ESG Reports Measuring what matters

We have been reporting annually on our ESG progress and impact agenda since 2019. In these annual reports we share our ESG strategy and approach, targets and achievements as well as case studies from around our network that showcase our impact in action. Our ESG framework helps us to identify where our investments can have a positive impact and amplify this impact throughout our investment process.

We set out our latest strategy and approach in more detail in each report. Since 2021 this has included results from our proprietary ESG scoring mechanism. This comprehensive data collection and reporting means that we are better equipped to track progress and monitor ESG performance across our investments.


This report outlines our progress on ESG targets and impact goals for 2023. We've continued to implement our proprietary scoring system to track improvements.

We sustained our carbon neutral status for a second year and furthered our decarbonisation efforts, with commitment from our Private Equity portfolio.

The report also features examples of our impact in action, showcasing innovations, supply chain optimization, and investments in AI and technology.

2022 ESG Report

In this report we shared highlights of our progress against our ESG targets and impact agenda over 2022. This includes details on the firm’s carbon and climate roadmap, our approach to DEI and also how we are helping to build better, more sustainable businesses through an emphasis on strong corporate governance, operational excellence and inclusive cultures.

We shared the results of our how our investments are performing against our proprietary scoring framework. The report also showcased examples of impact in action, from around Pollen Street and our PE and Credit portfolio, highlighting how our investments and the work that we do can drive positive change.


In 2021 we expanded our ESG data collection across our firm and portfolio, launching a proprietary scoring mechanism to rank and score investments. In this year we announced that the firm achieved carbon neutral status.


In our 2020 report we shared progress since our inaugural ESG report in 2019, including more detail on our approach to sustainability and our targets for the future. 

2019 ESG Report

In 2019 we shared our first ESG report. The report set out our approach to ESG at Pollen Street, how we had made progress in embedding our strategy into our investing, operations and culture.